Well it's been a while since I've written. Things have been hectic. I was driving home from one of my personal training sessions when my truck died. I got it restarted and drove a little ways before it died again, restarted it and made it to my driveway before it quit and wouldn't start.
This put a bit of a damper - sarcastic - on going to Red Deer to work out, we live 40 minutes out of town and I can't get in without a vehicle.
Of course we didn't have the money so that's why the delay in reporting anything. Other than walking the dog, doing some weights at home, I haven't done much of my training. I have mostly stuck to my diet.
I am proud to say that through all this stress I didn't gain any weight but actually lost a pound!! So, small victory. I am now back to my workouts with a driving vehicle and back on track.
I met my new trainer today, Kathy. She is awesome, very different from Samantha, but that's ok too. Samantha was more of a cross-circuit trainer and Kathy is a leg and arm day type of trainer. So, now I can't walk, lol, because today was a leg day.
I will try to post a little more regularly from now on. I just finished making a dozen egg muffins for easy quick breakfasts. Organizing my meals with cut up veggies, meat and portion sizes has been fun, and it's what has helped the most on keeping me on track with my food.
Arm day on Thursday so tomorrow will be cardio at home. Thank goodness it's going to be a little warmer tomorrow. -16 instead of -30. Might even be able to walk the dog without either of us freezing.
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